
Article by: Nikki

I am the eldest of three daughters working in the business and have been managing the shop since 2016. I love food, speaking to people and the environment. I also spend a lot of time in the kitchen at home cooking and baking with my two little boys, so this is my perfect job.


07 December 2023

Sloe Gin Braised Ham

Sloe Gin Braised Ham

This is a recipe we found years ago and has been a family favourite ever since. It’s really easy to make, feeds a crowd and it beautifully seasonal using the sloe gin.


- 3.5kg Puddledub Gammon
- 250ml apple juice
- 1 small onion
- 1 stick celery
- 1 star anise
- a few peppercorns
- 2 tablespoons dark brown soft sugar
- cloves
- 200ml sloe gin
- Cumberland Sauce
- zest and juice 1 unwaxed lemon
- zest and juice 1 unwaxed orange
- 2 tablespoons of redcurrant jelly
- 150ml sloe gin
- splash of white wine vinegar
- 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger


The Braised Ham

1. Put the pan in a large pot with the apple juice, onion, celery, star anise, peppercorns and enough cold water to cover. Bring slowly to just under the boil and simmer for 25 minutes per 450g. Skim regularly if you would like to use the liquid as stock for other recipes. Leave the ham in the liquid until cool.

2. Heat the oven to 220C (200C fan oven), gas mark 7. Lift out the ham and remove the skin, leaving on an even layer of fat. Score a diamond pattern on the fat, stud with cloves and then press on the sugar. Set in a roasting pan just big enough for the ham. Pour over the sloe gin. Roast for 40 minutes, basting every 10 minutes until golden and caramelised. Serve Cold with the Cumberland sauce.

Cumberland Sauce

1. Put all the ingredients into a pan and stir over a low heat until the jelly is melted and everything is combined. Serve at room temperature with the ham.

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