
Article by: Nikki

I am the eldest of three daughters working in the business and have been managing the shop since 2016. I love food, speaking to people and the environment. I also spend a lot of time in the kitchen at home cooking and baking with my two little boys, so this is my perfect job.

Events News

19 June 2024

Mighty Hike

Rob standing in a pile of grain holding a shovel

Raising Money for MacMillan

After loosing dad, Rob, suddenly in 2019, I have decided to join the Scottish Agritourism Mighty Hike team and raise money for MacMillan Cancer Support.

We only got six weeks with dad after he was diagnosed with cancer and trying to navigate those too short weeks was incredibly difficult. Having charities like MacMillan that are able to help and support families through these awful times is invaluable.

The Mighty Hike

How hard can a walk be, even if it is a marathon? That’s what I thought when I signed up. I have since looked into it a little more. Firstly, I hadn’t appreciated that the Mighty Hike was part of the Rob Roy Way and will cover pretty rough terrain and lots of hills. Secondly, I had completely forgotten that walking through the center of Scotland in August will mean midges, lots and lots of midges.

Tough but not impossible

This walk will be tough, but nothing compared to what we went through losing dad. If I can raise even a little money to help other families in a similar position then the midge bites and sore feet will be worth it.

Summer Food Fair

To raise money for this fantastic cause I am organising our Summer Food Fair, on Saturday 20th July, with a charity BBQ and a chance to donate to sit on our combine harvester. I have planned a fantastic day bursting with fresh produce, artisan treats, a delicious BBQ and hopefully lots of sunshine.

Upstairs in our loft we have a host of fantastic local producers including Steading & Co with their microgreens, Brick House with delicious local venison, Pittenweem Preserves and so much more. Downstairs our shop will be bursting with our usual fantastic offering and then outside a pay as you wish BBQ. We will also have our combine sitting near the shop with a chance to donate some money to climb up and experience what it’s like to be a farmer for a wee while.


If you would like to support us and raise some money for this fantastic charity then please come along to the food fair. If you can’t make it but would still like to support us then please donate here.