
Article by: Fiona

I set up the farm shop with my husband in 2005 to sell our own beef. Since then the shop has grown more than we could ever imagine. We now support hundreds of local suppliers, have changed the way we farm and built a kitchen on site. Nowadays I can be found in all aspects of the business however most of the time I supervise the kitchen and love spending time helping in the shop so I can chat to our customers.

Farm Life Products Recipes

06 July 2023

Green Garlic

Fresh Garlic

Green garlic is back in season. With help from our friends at The Garlic Farm we have managed to grow a beautiful crop of garlic this year. Planted in autumn and overwintered the bulbs have filled out well and smell and taste divine!

New season Green Garlic is the perfect pairing for this creamy avocado dip; because there’s no cooking required, the milder flavour of early green garlic is preferable to using raw, fully mature garlic cloves. As well as being incredibly more-ish to snack on, this garlic-enhanced guacamole is bursting with nutrients: avocado provides brain-boosting Omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene (a building block of vitamin A) and other valuable phytochemicals. Garlic, of course, is packed with antioxidants, vitamin C and minerals – all far more potent eaten raw than after cooking; and lemon, tomatoes, chillies and spring onions are all rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium, potassium and manganese. So whether you pair it with raw veggie crudités or traditional tortilla chips, this Green Garlic Guacamole will provide a generous helping of healthy nutrients.

We’ve adapted this recipe from The Garlic Farm, Isle of Wight.


- Two very ripe avocado
- 1 teaspoon of East Neuk Salt
- 2-3 cloves of our green garlic
- 2 spring onions
- 1 lemon, juiced
- ground black pepper, to taste
- 2 green chillies
- 2 medium heritage tomatoes


Peel, chop and then mash the avocado in a bowl with a teaspoon of East Neuk sea salt.
Finely chop the green garlic cloves and spring onions and stir them through the avocado mixture, thinning the puree with lemon juice (the citric acid in the lemon will also prevent discolouration of the avocado). Grind a little black pepper in, to taste.

Meanwhile, boil some water and pour over the tomatoes in a separate bowl. After a minute or two, you should be able to slip the tomato skins off, and can now finely chop the tomatoes, along with the green chillies.

Top the guacamole with the finely chopped tomatoes and chillies.

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