
Article by: Nikki

I am the eldest of three daughters working in the business and have been managing the shop since 2016. I love food, speaking to people and the environment. I also spend a lot of time in the kitchen at home cooking and baking with my two little boys, so this is my perfect job.

Farm Life Recipes

30 September 2022

How to cook spaghetti squash

spaghetti squash

Home grown pumpkins and squash

Growing pumpkins and squash has to be one of our favourite things to do. They are so beautiful, all shapes and sizes and taste wonderful throughout the long winter. They are a relatively new addition to the Scottish diet so we thought we would share how to cook spaghetti squash, one of our favourites.

To grow or not to grow

We find squash and pumpkins fairly challenging vegetables. One year nothing grows and it’s a complete disaster, the next year they all do really well. There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme nor reason for sucess or failure. This year however, despite the long drought, and extreme wind just after they were planted, they have done exceptionally well.

Spaghetti Squash

One of the exciting varieties we grew this year is spaghetti squash. Once roasted you can use a fork to scrape the flesh into spaghetti like strands. It’s a delicious alternative to spaghetti made from pasta, gluten-free, low carb and low-calorie.

This is a simple recipe showing how to cook spaghetti squash that we use at home and recommend in the shop. We hope you enjoy!


Cut it in half lengthwise. Then, scoop out the seeds.

Next, lightly drizzle the insides lightly with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Don’t add too much oil and salt at this stage as it makes the squash a bit watery.

Then, poke a few holes in the skin of the squash with a fork and place it cut side down on a baking sheet. Pop it in a pre-heated 200°C oven.

Don’t roast the squash for too long. An hour or longer will make it a little mushy, 30 to 40 minutes make the strands al dente . Of course, the timing will entirely depend on the size of your squash and the heat of your particular oven. It can also vary from squash to squash, so adjust your cooking time accordingly.

Once it’s roasted and cool enough to touch, use a fork to scrape the strands, fluff them up as you go.

That’s it! Season it with more salt and pepper and serve it as a simple veggie side. Or incorporate it into your favourite spaghetti squash recipes.

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